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  • Chinese designers Guo Pei and Wu Yong are also winning new fans at home — despite their high price tags.

    Western Brands Face Competition From The Upstarts 2009

  • "This not something to be proud of," said Wu Yong, who traces his lineage back to Wu Tianxing, a 16th-century salt merchant whom Pan believes was the model for the novel's debauched protagonist.

    The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - 2011

  • In the same broadcast, Wu Yong, an officer in the Chinese Army, said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand. - Photown News 2010

  • In the same broadcast, Wu Yong, an officer in the Chinese Army, said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand. - Photown News 2010

  • In the same broadcast, Wu Yong, an officer in the Chinese Army, said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand. - Photown News 2010

  • In the same broadcast, Wu Yong, an officer in the Chinese Army, said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand. - Photown News 2010

  • In the same broadcast, Wu Yong, an officer in the Chinese Army, said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand. - Photown News 2010

  • In the same broadcast, Wu Yong, an officer in the Chinese Army, said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand. - Photown News 2010

  • In the same broadcast, Wu Yong, an officer in the Chinese Army, said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand. - Photown News 2010

  • In the same broadcast, Wu Yong, an officer in the Chinese Army, said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand. - Photown News 2010


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